April 27, 2024
  • 3:06 am The Panamanian flag is flying on 16% of the world’s ships fleet
  • 6:51 am Panama is the venue of the “XXIII meeting of the Agreement Committee and Administrators of Information Centers as well as Technical Work Groups” of the Viña del Mar Agreement.
  • 4:49 am Panama continues to be the leader in flag ship registry with 8,662 vessels
  • 8:04 am Statement from the Panama Ship Registry
  • 8:01 am Panamanian Arsenio Dominguez is elected IMO’s Secretary General
Hong Kong

Requirements for Birth Registration in Panama

  1. Child’s Birth Certificate, issued by the Hong Kong Registry Office and Apostilled at Hong Kong High Court.
  2. Spanish Translation of the Birth Certificate and Apostille by a certified public translator (The Consulate will need to Authenticate the translation).
  3. Declaration of the parent, sworn statement from the parent stating that he/she is the biological parent and also that the registration is not based on an adoption process (Download sample of the letter that needs to be signed in the presence of the Consul General and authenticated by the Consulate).
  4. Simple letter stating the full name in which the minor will be registered in the Panama Tribunal Electoral (the letter needs to be signed in the presence of the Consul General).
  5. Declaration of the parent’s place of residence in Panama, this document is issued by the “corregidor” office at the parent’s district of residence in Panama.
  6. Original of both parent’s Passports and Panama I.D. of the parent that is Panamanian.

The birth registration process can be carried out by either parent or grandparent without the need for any authorization.

If the registration is requested by legal representative, a power of attorney and an application must be submitted ( The Consulate will need to Authenticate the power of attorney).

For more detailed information about the above mentioned process please visit:  www.tribunal-electoral.gob.pa/direccion-nacional-del-registro-civil/servicios/